IJPB Symposium – May 13-15 2024 @ Versailles

The Jean-Pierre Bourgin Institute, a major laboratory for plant science research is organising the international symposium “Plant modeling: opportunities and challenges”, from the 13th to 15th of May 2024 at the INRAE Centre in Versailles.


The symposium will comprise three plenary conferences and four thematic sessions dealing with modeling at  different scales, from the intra-cellular to the macroscopic level.


The aim of this exciting meeting is to foster collaborations and facilitate knowledge exchange among participants by bringing together renowned specialists in the field.


Abstracts will be selected for short talks, and the other applicants will be invited to present posters, thus favoring exciting discussions.


Practical information are presented on the website https://ijpb-plant-sciences.symposium.inrae.fr/

Registrations are open from February 14th to April 15th 2024.

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