14th International Conference of the French Society of Plant Biology, 2024 June 12-14 @ Bordeaux

The primary objective of the 14th International Conference organized by the French Society of Plant Biology (SFBV) is to unite individuals with a keen interest in the biological characteristics of photosynthetic organisms, with a particular focus on plants. The conference will explore the practical applications of this knowledge in agriculture and bioenergy, addressing crucial issues such as global climate change and environmental preservation. At its core, the event aims to champion the comprehensive field of plant biology, encompassing both fundamental and applied aspects, while celebrating its diverse facets.
Throughout the conference, there will be a deliberate examination of plants within their environments and their intricate interactions with the surroundings. Recent advancements in:

•    Session introduction: Olivier Hamant « The 1972 Meadows report: A wake-up call for plant science » Round table animated by Olivier le Gall

•    Session 1 : Plant Imaging – Martine Pastuglia (IJPB, Versailles)

•    Session 2 : Genome structure & expression – Frédy Barnèche (IBENS, Paris)

•    Session 3 : Agricultural systems in the agroecological transition – Marie-Laure Fauconnier (Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech, U. Liège)

•    Session 4 : Intra- and inter-cellular communications in plants – Fahrah Assaad (TUM, München)

 •    Session 5:  Plant and pathogen interactions – Christine Faulkner (JIC, Norwich)

•    Session 6 : Plant and beneficial microorganism interactions, microbiome – Sofie Goormachtig (VIB, Ghent)

•    Session 7 : Plant development and nutrition – Bruno Guillotin (NYU, New York)

•    Session 8 : Environmental stresses – Petra Marhava (UPSC, Umeå)

•    Session 9 : Genomics, genetics and breeding – Alain Charcosset (GQE Le Moulon, Saclay)

•    Session 10 : Plant and algae metabolism – Mark Stitt (MPI, Golm)

Importantly, this gathering also seeks to initiate or uphold scientific collaborations, facilitate interactions among diverse stakeholders in the realm of plant biology research, and forge connections between public research institutions and private enterprises. Prioritizing the involvement of emerging scientists in such events is a key focus of the SFBV. In line with this commitment, scholarships will be extended to students for their participation in the 14th International Conference of the French Society of Plant Biology, with recognition through awards for outstanding oral presentations and posters.


Registrations are open on the congress website.

Early bird prices are available until March 30th 

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