The “PLant science in the ANThropocene” (PLANT) workshop will run from March 24 to April 4, 2025 at the Institut Pascal of the University Paris-Saclay (campus about 25 km south of Paris).
This 2-week workshop will address key challenges for the international Plant Science community, from basic sciences to socio-economic and environmental aspects including climate change. It will gather about 60 international scientists. The attendance will mix high stature senior scientists, together with numerous younger ones.
The program will focus on three themes:
– Theme I: “Frontiers in Plant Science fundamental research” (March 24-25-26)
– Theme II: “Feeding the planet: roles for Plant Science and associated socio-economic challenges” (March 27-28-31 and April 1)
– Theme III: “Plants as factories: from chemical compounds to mitigating climate change” (April 2-3-4)
Mornings will consist mainly of presentations by about 20 senior scientists, who will provide their vision of how to rise to those challenges, while the afternoon sessions will be devoted principally to brainstorming across generations on selected topics. This workshop will thus require input from all participants, the goals being the emergence of consensus community opinions and the specification of paths to success for several major challenges, be they at the level of training the next generation, guiding deciders of public policies, or connecting with the wider public on the importance of plant sciences in the Anthropocene. All these challenges are of high complexity and depend on several disciplines. Thus, beyond plant biologists and geneticists, some participants will come from agronomy, ecology, social and environmental sciences, economics, and also from chemical, physical and computational sciences.
Syntheses in the form of opinion papers will be drafted for publication.
Applications deadline: Tuesday December 17, midnight
To know more and apply :
Admission is restricted because of capacity constraints and the need to have the brainstorming sessions be effective. There are no registration fees and lunches and coffee breaks will be provided.
Participants must hold a PhD.
Note: There are no sessions during the week-end of March 29-30, you can use your free time to do some tourism!
Confirmed speakers:
David Baulcombe (University of Cambridge, UK)
Faouzi Bekkaoui (INRA Maroc)
Wolfgang Busch (Salk Institute for Biological Studies, USA)
Carole Caranta (INRAE, France)
Claire Chenu (INRAE, France)
Nathalie Diagne (myAgro, Senegal)
Catherine Feuillet (INARI Agriculture, USA)
Veronica Grieneisen (Cardiff University, UK)
Caroline Gutjahr (MPI Potsdam, Germany)
Kalina Haas (IJPB INRAE, France)
Olivier Hamant (INRAE and ENS Lyon, France)
Helke Hildebrand (University of Heidelberg, Germany)
Heribert Hirt (KAUST, Saudi Arabia))
Monica Hofte (Ghent University, Belgium)
Laurent Laplaze (IRD Montpellier, France and CERAAS, Senegal)
Bruno Moulia (PIAF INRAE, France)
Marek Mutwill (NTU Singapore)
Anne Osbourn (John Innes Centre, UK)
Nicholas Provart (University of Toronto, Canada)
Péré Puigdomenech (CRAG, Spain)
Pamela Ronald (UC Davis, USA)
Kazuki Saito (RIKEN, Japan)
Ben Scheres (Wageningen University Research, The Netherlands)
Marc-André Selosse (MNHN, France)
Andreas Weber (CEPLAS, Heinrich Heine University, Germany)
Detlef Weigel (MPI Tubingen, Germany)
Dolf Weijers (Wageningen University, The Netherlands)
Last Updated: 19 November 2024 by Benoit Alunni Leave a Comment
PLant science in the ANThropocene workshop at Saclay, March 24th-April 5th 2025
The “PLant science in the ANThropocene” (PLANT) workshop will run from March 24 to April 4, 2025 at the Institut Pascal of the University Paris-Saclay (campus about 25 km south of Paris).
This 2-week workshop will address key challenges for the international Plant Science community, from basic sciences to socio-economic and environmental aspects including climate change. It will gather about 60 international scientists. The attendance will mix high stature senior scientists, together with numerous younger ones.
The program will focus on three themes:
– Theme I: “Frontiers in Plant Science fundamental research” (March 24-25-26)
– Theme II: “Feeding the planet: roles for Plant Science and associated socio-economic challenges” (March 27-28-31 and April 1)
– Theme III: “Plants as factories: from chemical compounds to mitigating climate change” (April 2-3-4)
Mornings will consist mainly of presentations by about 20 senior scientists, who will provide their vision of how to rise to those challenges, while the afternoon sessions will be devoted principally to brainstorming across generations on selected topics. This workshop will thus require input from all participants, the goals being the emergence of consensus community opinions and the specification of paths to success for several major challenges, be they at the level of training the next generation, guiding deciders of public policies, or connecting with the wider public on the importance of plant sciences in the Anthropocene. All these challenges are of high complexity and depend on several disciplines. Thus, beyond plant biologists and geneticists, some participants will come from agronomy, ecology, social and environmental sciences, economics, and also from chemical, physical and computational sciences.
Syntheses in the form of opinion papers will be drafted for publication.
Applications deadline: Tuesday December 17, midnight
To know more and apply :
Admission is restricted because of capacity constraints and the need to have the brainstorming sessions be effective. There are no registration fees and lunches and coffee breaks will be provided.
Participants must hold a PhD.
Note: There are no sessions during the week-end of March 29-30, you can use your free time to do some tourism!
Confirmed speakers:
David Baulcombe (University of Cambridge, UK)
Faouzi Bekkaoui (INRA Maroc)
Wolfgang Busch (Salk Institute for Biological Studies, USA)
Carole Caranta (INRAE, France)
Claire Chenu (INRAE, France)
Nathalie Diagne (myAgro, Senegal)
Catherine Feuillet (INARI Agriculture, USA)
Veronica Grieneisen (Cardiff University, UK)
Caroline Gutjahr (MPI Potsdam, Germany)
Kalina Haas (IJPB INRAE, France)
Olivier Hamant (INRAE and ENS Lyon, France)
Helke Hildebrand (University of Heidelberg, Germany)
Heribert Hirt (KAUST, Saudi Arabia))
Monica Hofte (Ghent University, Belgium)
Laurent Laplaze (IRD Montpellier, France and CERAAS, Senegal)
Bruno Moulia (PIAF INRAE, France)
Marek Mutwill (NTU Singapore)
Anne Osbourn (John Innes Centre, UK)
Nicholas Provart (University of Toronto, Canada)
Péré Puigdomenech (CRAG, Spain)
Pamela Ronald (UC Davis, USA)
Kazuki Saito (RIKEN, Japan)
Ben Scheres (Wageningen University Research, The Netherlands)
Marc-André Selosse (MNHN, France)
Andreas Weber (CEPLAS, Heinrich Heine University, Germany)
Detlef Weigel (MPI Tubingen, Germany)
Dolf Weijers (Wageningen University, The Netherlands)
Last Updated: 7 March 2022 by Benoit Alunni Leave a Comment
13th International Conference of the French Society of Plant Biology, Aug 29-31 @ Montpellier
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The 13th International Conference of the French Society of Plant Biology (SFBV) aims to bring together actors interested in the biological properties of photosynthetic organisms, mainly plants, as well as their applications in agriculture and bioenergy, taking into consideration important issues such as the global climate change and the protection of the environment. At the core of this conference, there is the promotion of the plant biology field, fundamental and applied, as a whole and in its diversity.
During this conference, the plant will be considered in its environment and in interaction with it. Recent work on:
Importantly, this event aims also to establish or sustain scientific partnerships, promote exchanges between the various players in the plant biology research field and develop bridges between public research and private companies. Promoting the participation of young scientists to this type of event is also a priority of the SFBV. To this end, scholarships will be offered to students to participate to 13th International Conference of the French Society of Plant Biology and prizes will be awarded to the best oral presentations and best posters.
Registrations are open:
For any question:
Posted: 22 February 2022 by Benoit Alunni Leave a Comment
Saclay Plant Sciences organizes two summer schools in 2022, one on cell walls and the other on sugars
For more informations and to register click here.
For more informations and to register click here.
Posted: 2 February 2022 by Benoit Alunni Leave a Comment
One Health International Days – 27-29 June 2022 – Lille, France
Posted: 25 January 2022 by Benoit Alunni Leave a Comment
Full Professor position in Plant Ecology – LEHNA, Lyon
To consolidate its research and teaching activities in plant ecology, the LEHNA (University of Lyon 1) opens one permanent Professorship position. Please send your CV to the contact persons mentioned below.
Scope and location: The position is opened in the Laboratory of Ecology of Natural and Man-impacted Hydrosystems (UMR CNRS 5023 LEHNA, at the University Claude Bernard Lyon 1 (Lyon, France, The LEHNA has research and technical staffs from the University of Lyon 1, the Institute of Ecology and Environment of the CNRS (, and the Graduate School of Civil, Environmental and Urban Engineering (ENTPE,
LEHNA is a multidisciplinary research unit whose expertise covers the fields of functional ecology, evolutionary biology, and community ecology. The objects of study are continental aquatic systems, their anthropic management and the impact of environmental changes on their functioning. The balanced strengths between functional ecology and evolutionary ecology within LEHNA will provide candidates with excellent opportunities for interdisciplinary collaborations and research.
Last Updated: 22 December 2021 by Benoit Alunni Leave a Comment
13th Congress of the French Society of Plant Biology, 29-31 August 2022, Montpellier, France
13th congress of the French Society of Plant Biology
29-31 August 2022 in Montpellier
National/international speakers will be invited. Each session will be completed by presentation selected by the scientific comittee.
A poster session will promote scientific exchanges between participants.
SFBV will give a prize for the best poster and one for the best talk.
SFBV offers travel grants to attend the congress.
congress website and opening of the registrations will be available soon.
contact/organisation :
Last Updated: 9 September 2021 by Benoit Alunni Leave a Comment
10th International Plant Biomechanics Conference – August 21-26 2022, Lyon – France
The 10th International Plant Biomechanics Conference will be held in Lyon, France in August 2022 – from Sunday 21nt to Friday 26th. Save the dates!
The conference covers all topics related to plant biomechanics. The list of sessions will be established based on submissions and could include the following:
For more information on the scientific program and registration, visit:
Last Updated: 8 September 2021 by Benoit Alunni Leave a Comment
Workshop on Sugar Allocation in Plants (28-29/10/2021, Versailles)
Inscriptions are open here until october 1st.
Posted: 25 May 2021 by Benoit Alunni Leave a Comment
Master 2 internship on Coffea breeding – Nestlé, Indre et Loire
A Master 2 project is is available in the R&D department of Nestlé (Notre Dame D’Oé – Indre et Loire) to work on the molecular breeding of Coffea plants.
For more information on the project contact Sophie Lair.
To apply online, it is here.
Posted: 25 May 2021 by Benoit Alunni Leave a Comment
Funded PhD project on photosynthesis (I2BC, Saclay)
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