Workshop Sugar Allocation in Plants, October 26th-27th, Versailles

Plant biomass production and crop quality is the result of a number of processes. One major process is how sugars are allocated over the different organs after carbon fixation and assimilation in the leaves by photosynthesis. It depends on a steady-state balance between consumption, storage and long-distance transport at the level of the cell and the organ. It is also intricately related to sugar metabolism and homeostasis. It is also characterized by the trade-offs of plant energetic and primary metabolism, therefore plant growth, with the responses to the environment.  The most recent discoveries of key factors acting in the regulation of sugar allocation have recently shed light on the role of sugars transport in plant adaptation to a range of abiotic and biotic stresses. The objective of this workshop is to bring together researchers, students and plant breeders to discuss the latest advances and their applications in this domain.

Organized at Versailles, by IJPB (Institut Jean Pierre Bourgin) – INRAE Versailles and EBI (Ecologie et Biologie des Interactions, CNRS/Université de Poitiers) Team SEVE (Laboratory CNRS-University, Transport de sucres et réponses des plantes aux contraintes abiotiques) – University of Poitiers.

This workshop follows up a serie of events that have been organized by the same co-organizers at Poitiers (“Le phloème dans tous ses états”, 2004, 2012), with the support of the SFBV (Société Française de Biologie Végétale).

more information and registrations here.

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