1 year post-doc/ research engineer position in the Plant Fiber Team, UGSF, Lille University (Fr) on RNA-Seq and Proteomics analysis of maize

1 year post-doc/ research engineer position in the Plant Fiber Team, UGSF, Lille University (Fr) on RNA-Seq and Proteomics analysis of maize

Website: http://ugsf-umr-glycobiologie.univ-lille1.fr/–181-

Official start date: October 01st 2019 (dead-line to apply: June 30th 2019)

Key words: Maize, plant physiology, RNAseq, LC-MS/MS

In brief: The “projet investissements d’avenir Biotechnologie et Bioressources AMAIZING” was designed to support the competitiveness of the French maize breeding sector as well as to meet society demand for sustainability and quality. It brings together 14 public research units from INRA sites across France, 9 private companies and cooperatives, and one technical institute. AMAIZING combines genetics, genomics, and ecophysiology analyses with high throughput phenotyping and genotyping to perform genomic predictions and association studies to identify polymorphisms responsible for traits of agronomic interest such as yield, quality and tolerance to abiotic stress.

The project: We aim to evaluate the genetic and physiological basis of cold tolerance by an in-depth study of the physiology of cold stress by phenotyping and functional validation studies of isogenic lines. A pair of lines targeting some major QTLs will be analyzed at the proteomic (LC-MS) and genomic level (RNA-Seq).

Environment: The University of Lille, campus Cité scientifique, is located in Lille (Northern France), a very active and attractive city. At the intersection of Brussels, Paris and London, the city has a university of 70,000 students. The ‘Unité de Glycobiologie Structurale et Fonctionnelle’ is a mixed CNRS/University of Lille research laboratory composed of approximately 130 collaborators organized into 15 different research teams headed by Pr. Christophe D’Hulst. The Plant Fiber team has exeprtise in whole genome transcriptomics, proteomics and functional genomics to study cell wall formation and stress response.
The laboratory is located at the Cité scientifique campus (Villeneuve d’Ascq). Lille is nearby and accessible by subway. Flight and train connections are easy.

Candidates: We are looking for highly motivated candidates holding a PhD degree or equivalent in molecular genetics, cell biology, or a closely related field at the time of employment and interested in performing multi-disciplinary approaches. Experience in sequencing techniques (RNAseq, LC-MS/MS) is expected and enthusiasm for statistical analyses will be highly appreciated. Excellent spoken and written English is essential and evidence of scientific publications in peer-reviewed journals will be a plus.
Geographic mobility: Tight collaborations with- and short trips/stays to- the INRA ‘Agroressources and environmental impacts’ (AgroImpact) department of Estrées-Mons (FR), the ‘plant stress adaptation and quality’ team of the ‘Charles Viollette Institute’ (ICV) of Lille University (FR), the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST, LU) are expected.

Salary: > 35 and < 45 K€ (gross salary)

To apply: Please send by email to estelle.goulas@univ-lille.fr
(1) a cover letter
(2) a short summary of past research activities
(3) a CV with contact details of 2-3 referees

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