From genes to plant architecture: the shoot apical meristem in all its states – 28-30 november, Poitiers (France)

Cher(e)s collègues,

Nous avons le plaisir de vous annoncer la conférence sur l’intégration du fonctionnement des méristèmes à l’échelle de la plante :

« From genes to plant architecture: the shoot apical meristem in all its states »

28-30 November 2022, Toumaï Conference Center Poitiers (France)

This three-day international conference will bring together researchers in an interdisciplinary event that aims at improving our knowledge and ability to simulate the genetic variability of plant morphogenesis responses to the environment.

Venue: the Conference Center Toumaï is ideally situated close to the railway station in the city of Poitiers (travel time between Paris and Poitiers: 1h20 min).

Language: English

Registration fees:

  • 250 € and 180 € for regular and students, respectively, for early bird registrations
  • 350 € and 250 € for regular participants and students, respectively, for late registrations

Registration gives access to the conference, coffee breaks, lunches and Tuesday dinner, and an abstract book.


  • Opening of registration and applications:  31 March 2022
  • Application for communication (oral and poster): 31 May 2022
  • Early bird registration: until 31 July 2022
  • Deadline registration: 21 November 2022

Scientific committee:

  • Jessica Bertheloot (INRAE Angers)
  • Frédéric Boudon (CIRAD Montpellier)
  • Robert Faivre (INRAE Toulouse)
  • Herman Höfte (INRAE, Versailles)


  • Jean-Louis Durand (INRAE Lusignan)
  • Christophe Godin (INRIA Lyon)

Preliminary program: three plenary sessions (see program here)

  1. Functioning of meristems (6 invited talks, communications)
  • Growth and reproduction of the meristem
  • Patterning
  • Branching
  • Differentiation
  1. Plant models and meristems (3 invited talks, communications)
  2. Gaps of knowledge and knowledge integration (2 invited talks, round table & discussions)

Invited speakers:
Romain Barillot, Jessica Bertheloot, Evelyne Costes, Yoan Coudert, Anne Goeltzer, Henrik Jönsson, Dorotha Kwiatowska, François Parcy, Alexis Peaucelle, Robert Sablowski, Jan Traas

Best regards,
The organizing committee

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